Brad continues to work on "rehabbing" Grammas house and is nearly finished painting. And speaking of painting, he spent several hours on a ladder yesterday repainting the "lifetime guaranteed" trim on our house.
The kids were out of school on Friday, so I went shopping with Meredith and her kids as well as Gabi. She (Gabi) is pretty pumped about her upcoming birthday, therefore it was time to shop for her party dress! She had fun trying on several.....
On Saturday, Amie ran her second 1/2 marathon in Denver. It was a beautiful day and she was pleased with her time, shaving off a couple of minutes from her previous run.
Sophie created this at Aunt Heathers' house
Oh, just thought of something worth mentioning....Friday night Spencer's football team in Kersey played the Brush Beetdiggers and crushed them. The interesting thing was that Brush' quarterback was named Grayson Simmons! What are the chances of THAT? Crazy, huh?
Yesterday, I scrapbooked for awhile (after the usual laundry, cleaning etc.) then took Carrie & Amie and the kids (minus Grayson) to the Miller Farm west of Platteville. Amie had taken the kids last year and they really enjoyed it. It was quite an experience and I'm pretty sure farming is not a part of my future! Hard work! We rode around on a tractor driven hayride for several hours (90* degree weather...) and got off at various fields to pick vegetables, including corn, potatoes, onions, leeks, celery, carrots, pumpkins, cabbage, eggplant, green beans and a wide variety of peppers.
Here's our "Haul"! We were all exhausted, thirsty and filthy when finished, but had a great time. Afterwards, we all got together to enjoy Brad's yummy pork loin, mashed potatoes, FRESH green beans, and to top it off, a pumpkin cake made by Meredith.