Wow! Did we really HAVE a weekend? It was so much fun, but I wonder why everything always falls at the same time? My guess is that our family just thrives on the stress of over scheduling! Friday morning, Emma and Elijah arrived to spend the day with us while their Dad worked on their Greeley house (closing later this month). They wanted to surprise their friends at school with a visit and it was fun to see the reactions of their classmates, crowding around them. They've been missed!
We decided to have our usual Sunday dinner on Friday instead, so I found myself scrambling to get dinner ready and the house picked up a little. Yeah, and throw in the fact that I had Corbin and Gabi as well. The more, the merrier, huh? Anyway, we pulled together a great dinner of brisket (another recipe that we had saved before Brad's illness), some crock pot potatoes, fresh green beans and spicy coleslaw. We had just enough left over to enjoy on Sunday evening.
Saturday was CRAZY! We began with our trip to Denver to see Meredith get her Masters degree at Regis University. It was a beautiful Spring day (having had another snowstorm earlier in the week) and we sat outside for the event. Wish I'd have thought to put sunscreen on Brad's head....he got burned.....Can't put into words how proud we are of Meredith's accomplishment!

After the ceremony, we (with rumbling bellies) went to an Italian restaurant that Carrie knew about and feasted on lots of pasta. Well, you know what pasta does...makes you sleepy. So, when we got home, it was nap time. Glad that we took advantage of that, as we needed it to be able to stay up late (11:00) that evening. The graduates had planned a party at a local Mexican restaurant beginning at 7:00. We arrived tastefully about a half hour late and the place was mobbed! No way to get food, drinks or even a seat, so about a dozen of us left and went to the place next door, thinking that we would let the crowds die down, and then go back. We had drinks and one-of-every-appetizer on the menu, had lots of laughs, then wandered back only to find it still crowded and the buffet line had disappeared. Carrie said that the best part of the night was hearing Brad laugh! We all had fun, but I agree, that was the best.
Sunday morning, we got back in the car and went to Ft. Collins to watch Amie complete her first marathon....26 grueling miles. Ok, I don't get it, and I'm told anyone who isn't a runner feels the same way, but we were super proud of the fact that she finished in a great time. Really, was it worth the loss of some toenails?
It really was exciting to see her cross the finish line!

My favorite picture |
Afterwards, we picked up Gramma and met Meredith, Carrie and the kids for lunch before they left to go back to Ogallala. By the way, although the kids had kind of a rough start at school, (especially Emma) things seem to be going better. We heard some stories of small town living while they were here and found them pretty entertaining. It's not everywhere one can live and have the natives notice and comment on the amount of trash at your curb!
The Taylor's spent their weekend at Carrie's house, which officially goes on the housing market today! They plan to move into Gramma's house while they await the construction of their new place. I don't envy them having to keep their place tidy at all times.....Wishing them the best!