"On the Road Again, Just can't wait to get on the road again....." Seems like all I've done this week is go to appointments and drive. Monday I had an appointment (with that fine office that I reported was more interested in my insurance than what I was doing there). Tuesday was an eye appointment (you can't have your eyes dilated often enough)Then Wednesday, bright and early, Brad and I drove to University Hospital to be there by 7:15, and after having an MRI, getting blood work and seeing two neurologists, dropping him off at a job in Littleton (45 minutes away) I was back to work (2:00) to get things put away at the new office for the opening on Monday, the 30th.( By the way, his test results were good, showing no change on his MRI, although he has a few more cognitive deficits than before) Thursday was more unpacking at the office, finally wrapping it up Friday morning. Friday afternoon was a trip to Eaton to pick Gabi up from school, with a quick peek at the progress on the Frost home. They ended up having dinner with us and afterwards, Gabi entertained us with her agility, including her ability to "hold her nose with her toes". I know, you're thinking, Simmons and agility are synonymous!
Saturday morning, we drove to Mom's in south Denver (Littleton) to attend the "Beer and Brats Oktoberfest" sponsored by the place she now resides. You can imagine how lively that event was! We enjoyed seeing her new apartment (at last she has the place she really wanted from the beginning) and visiting with Don and Vickie.
Then, it was back into the car and on the road to Manitou. We arrived in time to walk around town a little, look at Pam's art show, and have a glass of wine on an outdoor patio.
newest work in progress |
News from Nebraska....Emma sent some pictures! I was excited! Meredith
says they are both doing well in school. Her job remains a challenge, but it sounds like she's going to stick with it for awhile as they looked at houses this weekend. Crazy how inexpensive homes are there! They looked at one yesterday for $44,000! Today they found another one, listed at $86,000 that they were somewhat interested in. She also told me that they would be coming our way for a weekend visit over Gabi's birthday. We sure are looking forward to that!
By the way, Rory is going to Homecoming next weekend. He asked a classmate who said "yes" and will be mingling with the high school students this year. Those middle school years sure flew by!
Sunday dinner was provided by the Frosts, who brought over some BBQ with all the fixing's. Delicious!
Another crazy busy week ahead! |