I feel a long post coming on today as I must have taken a few hundred pictures...So now what was it we did last Wednesday? Oh yeah, Gabi had no school so she came to help me bake pies for Thanksgiving. That day seems like it was ages ago!
Thursday morning we got rolling early when Carrie picked Brad and I up to go to the Turkey Trot as volunteers. It was my job to take pictures next to Santa/the big blow-up turkey for those attending/running in the race. I was busy, not only with my camera, but also with cellphones and other cameras, taking pictures of hundreds of people. The downside of volunteering with my camera was that I missed out on lots of pictures of my family. I was proud of Spencer, Rory, Sophie, Gabi and Corbin along with Tasha who ran the 2K and of Amie who ran the 5K in good time. Corbin placed 3rd in his age group and got a medal. Bet you wonder what they are doing in this picture on the right? It was announced (loudly) that someone farted, thus the nose-holding!
As soon as the race was over, we all headed to Carrie and Spencer's for dinner.
By the time we arrived, so had the plane carrying Nancy, Sarah, Travis, Trent and Emi and Grandma Karen (Travis' Mom), and my Mom, Don and Vicki. We had a great time and of course a wonderful dinner and were able to break in the dining room table (seating for 16).

It was a wonderful day and a fabulous dinner, with two turkeys, one fried and the other baked. Friday morning, bright and early, Brad and I drove back to the Frost home to have Sarah give us a makeover (hair, that is). THANK YOU, SARAH!!! While she was coloring and cutting, the kids were enjoying playing outside in what remained of the snow from a week ago. The boys were trying to hit Travis with snowballs (part snow and part mud).

Eventually, we went home, after inviting the whole gang to our house for dinner Friday night. Brad and I put together a huge pot of turkey vegetable noodle soup, which was consumed fairly quickly. Sarah, Trent and Corbin brought up all of the Christmas Village boxes from the basement (thank you, Sarah) and we got the village up once again (thanks, Amie, for dangling off the edge of my counters to get them all plugged in). After dinner we played "Mexican Train" dominoes while the men watched football. Saturday morning (after cleaning up the kitchen and getting the rest of the house back in order), Nancy invited us (girls only) to go to the Teddy Bear Tea at the Currier Inn. (Thanks, Nana).

We enjoyed the tea, scones, sweets, tea sandwiches, mini quiches and watching the girls write their Christmas letters to Santa where they were even able to mail them afterwards. (Even Caroline attended the soiree in her ice skating attire!)
When the tea was over, we all drove to Centerra to see the movie "Frozen", which was one of the best Disney movies! Thank you, Karen, for treating all of us. That was fun! (And hopefully you'll come back to Colorado again).
Sunday was spent getting the house decorated for Christmas- always a chore- but I always love the end result. Gramma has her own little tree in her room with her original tree top, purchased in 1947 when she and Brad's Dad were married.
We had planned to get together for dinner, but decided that the Frosts had had enough company, meals etc. for one weekend! Meredith arrives today from Ogallala to attend a conference here at NCMC and will be here for her birthday tomorrow! We are excited to spend time with her.
Have a wonderful Monday and first week of December....Wow, time flies!