It's hard writing a 2 week family blog trying to encompass 14 days of busy schedules. Luckily, I have some snapshots of our lives to remind me when time emerges as the winner. Last weekend was Labor Day and we celebrated with an extra day to enjoy friends and family. The Yaws family came from Omaha and a barbecue ensued at Carrie and Spencer's house. The plan was to have a Mexican potluck,so Brad, with his "unusual" way of explaining things, confided in Carrie that he had purchased some "green potatoes", (aka, avocados,) so we renamed guacamole "green potato ole". His terminology cracks us up! Anyway, we had a great gathering with all of us, in addition to the Yaws, the Yarnells, Steve and Tracy and Kristi and her boys. The kids played outside and the window well containing frogs was very popular.

Another momentous thing that happened that weekend was revisiting the first townhouse (that I had too quickly assumed would work for us) and wondering where my mind had been the day I said "I'll take it". We were, thankfully able to get out of that contract and found another that will be much more suitable (as well as much more $$$$). Now we await the sale of ours......
I took this picture of the main living area.... |
Moving on along, the second weekend was celebrated with Corbin's 6th birthday, and Brad's and my 45th anniversary. On Saturday, our realtor scheduled an Open House, so you can imagine how relaxing our Saturday morning was! We made it through the clean-up, both inside and out.
We began the birthday with a party at Laser Tag, where they've added a rock climbing wall and a rope course. Corbin was definitely a super star, even unafraid of the heights of the rope course. (I apologize for the crummy pictures....somebody forgot her camera....)

After the party, Brad and I had our anniversary dinner at Bonefish and were surprised to get a table in a timely manner, enjoying some swordfish (and of course, a little Kendall Jackson chardonnay) while Brad dined on crab cakes and steak. A nice treat!
On Sunday, we got together at Carrie and Spencer's (AGAIN! and btw, thank you for hosting our Sunday dinners until we are relocated!) for a family birthday party meal before the boys (Brad, Curt and Spencer) left to go to the Bronco game that evening.


He really enjoyed his gifts this year, with his set of talking parakeets at the top of the list (they repeat what you say in a "bird voice"), as well as his Ninja warrior costume, his boxing gloves and "wheelies" given to him by Meredith and family.

After a dinner of grilled burgers, homemade mac-n-cheese, (Rory commented to me on that with, "Woman, you just blew my mind" (on how delicious it was) chip and dip and corn on the cob, we enjoyed birthday cake. After the departure for the Bronco game, the activities included a puzzle (Meredith and Carrie's favorite), a trip to the park by the kids, followed by a soccer game (where Sophie commented about her Moms' ability to play goalie with "She's such an awesome soccer player. I just can't keep up with that woman!") and a discussion of "What- I -got- into- the -most -trouble- for- so -far- in -my- life". Interestingly, Gabi came up with answers quickly and won for the most answers, headed by "1. locking my babysitter out of the house for an hour, 2. spilling a whole bottle of baby shampoo on my carpet and ruining it, and 3. burning a hole in my carpet with my lamp." (AND, to date has never been allowed to have a lamp in her bedroom!)
Rory claimed that sneaking out of the house at a slumber party got him in the most trouble. Elijah decided that his attempt to "push a baby down the stairs" (he was only a toddler himself at the time) earned him the most trouble with a trip to the Police Station with his dad. Sophie declared that she didn't have anything BIG, just a lot of little things, like screaming while her mom was on the phone. Emma really had trouble with this, coming up with some pretty insignificant things. This whole conversation developed right after Grayson took off running down the block, only running faster when we yelled "stop!". Good thing his Mom is a runner or he could easily have been halfway to Cheyenne! She proceeded to spank him for it, upon which he laughed. Tried the time-out. Laughed again...Oh boy, he may someday top Gabi!
Happy Monday, everyone!