It's infrequent to get up and write my post on my actual birthday. but it's also a pleasure to do so.
I'm reflecting this morning on the positive things about this particular birthday. Not only am I ABLE to get up and to write, but I then have the opportunity to go to work at a job that I not only like, but that is my saving grace! I have an amazing family!..... Three wonderful children and their mates and their children who make my life complete, despite a few "holes" in my home life. I am grateful!!!! I'm also fortunate to have good health thus far and to have made it to have Medicare....hooray!
This has been a tough week, beginning with coming down with whatever swell virus that has been circulating the country, and being sick enough to miss going to the Garth Brooks Concert on Wednesday. You know I had to be stinkin sick to miss THAT. People ask if I couldn't have just rallied for a few hours to attend- oh heck no!- I couldn't even gather up enough energy to get dressed! I am happy that Carrie, Meredith and Amie could attend and take notes (and pictures). Ok, I will stop with the pity party.....
Friday morning, as Brad and I got ready for our weekend, he comes out of the bathroom having shaved off all of his facial hair! If this doesn't sound news worthy, none of his children (and obviously the grandkids) and only a very young me had ever seen that face and frankly, it looked horrible that day. It has since improved, but I still don't care for the look. He said he just wanted something different. (Hey, how about a tatoo?)

Just minutes after that disaster, Gramma comes wheeling out of her room and asks if she had done or said anything strange the night before. (Hmmm, compared to what?) She then stated that she had absolutely no memory of the events following dinner. We don't know if it was a mini-stroke or what, but she sure spent a lot of time sleeping over the weekend! Everyone keeps saying, "Well she IS 95"....

We attended Gabi's 2nd grade concert held at the church in Eaton. Good show! All three girls, Emma, Sophie and Gabi love to sing (sure they got that from me). I got to go with Gabi Friday afternoon to her voice lesson. I guess THAT'S why I can't sing- never had singing lessons.....
She's getting ready for her tryout to be in "Annie".
Saturday, Brad wanted to go play bridge in Ft. Collins, so after dropping Gramma off for her perm we stopped by Curt an Amie's to see Heather and Keva- who has grown so much since we last saw her last. Sophie was working on a big project for school to be presented today.

Anyway, we were off to play bridge and did okay until near the end, when Brad was playing a hand and had a seizure mid-play. He later shared with me that he looked at the table and didn't recognize what was on it, just some "things". He subsequently had a headache, was dizzy, lightheaded and suffered from tunnel vision. The visual problems are still with him, although he says it is getting better.... We will see another neurologist in Denver in a few days. Saturday night Amie, Carrie and I took the "littles" to Disney on Ice. Although it was a repeat performance for the 3 older kids, it was Grayson's first.

The Toy Story segment was my favorite! Grayson loved the cars. They were all fans of the cotton candy and $18 snowcones!
Yesterday for my birthday celebration, the adults went to Bonefish for dinner. We had a yummy dinner and I enjoyed a big A$$ glass of first in a month. Guess I'll have to stick to drinking only on special occasions....other than Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays! It sure hit the spot, though............