Strange and unique Mothers Day this year. First of all, it snowed for the second consecutive M.D., which just seems odd for this time of year.

At my house there was no breakfast in bed or bouquets (except for the one delivered to Gramma at 8:30 that morning via FedEx). Gramma wanted me to wash her bedding, so I did hers along with ours, getting our clean sheets on the bed just in time for Brad to take his afternoon nap. And, (BONUS) she handed me a list of some things she needed at the store (scrawled in her shaky handwriting) which, if you've ever seen her writing, you know it's almost impossible to discern the word "Bugles" or "post-it-notes", so it was challenging to figure out what she wanted. At this point, I started feeling a little like Cinderella (thanks, kids, for knowing the REAL me).

OK, Meredith, Carrie and Amie, someday I'll have one or all of you running all over Wal-Mart looking for stuff, so I think I won't complain and just be grateful that I have the ability to run errands, M.D. or not! Brad started the dinner before he got too tired and baled on me after he got the ribs in the oven. In the morning, we took over the nail salon with all eight of us girls getting pedicures. Fun and relaxing!

Later, we gathered for dinner at our house, where, silly me, thought we would never be able to eat all of the ribs we'd made, missing two of our big meat eaters, Elijah and Rory. But, our 4 little peeps made up for that!

And Emma was sweet to help Brad assemble the spicy coleslaw.

After dinner, we played cards and then were invited to watch a Mothers Day performance directed by Emma and starring the 4 littles.
Our biggest laughs of the day came when some of the adults tried riding Corbin's new "clown bike", with some of the riders landing on their butts!

It was a great Mother's Day! Thanks to all of my family for making it so special!
Friday, I took Brad to Lafayette to get an EEG per his neurologist. Unlikely that anything will show up, but we got it done. Saturday we played a double session of bridge in Ft. Collins and placed in both morning and afternoon (out of 36 couples) which was really remarkable, considering Brad's memory issues!