We waited on pins and needles this week for Friday to get here so that we could meet with the neurosurgeon at University Hospital in Denver. Dr. Waziri was worth the wait! What an amazing Dr. The five of us (Brad, Meredith, Curt, Carrie and I) spent about an hour listening to his plan for Brad. In a nutshell, Brad is left handed, thus right brained. Since the tumor is on the left side, Dr Waziri thinks the best course of action is to remove it. He will test Brad with an F.M.R.I. (a functional MRI) to map out his brain function. If this goes according to his (Dr) thoughts, Brad will undergo surgery in December. We all came away feeling optimistic and "wowed" by Dr Waziri. Someone asked Brad how HE felt about having such an aggressive brain surgery, to which he replied with the title of this weeks' blog!

Saturday was the semi-final game for Spencer's football team in Eaton. Of course, the snow began about the time the game got underway, and the snow continued for the rest of the day, on into the evening. But did those weather conditions stop the fans? Now I know how the term "fair weather fan" is applicable. Only the tough could be at that game! We are excited that the Kersey team beat Eaton and is advancing to the finals, where they will play Bayfield (undefeated) next weekend.
That snowy day was also a celebration with his friends for Rory's 13th birthday. Soooooo hard to believe that he is 13!
He had a bowling party and I was there to capture some of the fun!

On Sunday, we had nearly a day long birthday celebration, beginning with Carrie deciding that what she really needed was a "chill" day- a day to do nothing but a jigsaw puzzle and indulge in a few snacks. The whole gang came over about noon and the kids played out in the snow, or downstairs in their new "office" (something like the clubhouses we had as kids) where they each have a desk. The girls (and Corbin and Elijah) also enjoyed playing the Wii dance game on the big screen. I loved this picture with all of them mid-air. Rory requested for his birthday dinner that we have french dip sandwiches, twice baked potatoes, crockpot mac-n-cheese, and chocolate cake. If you didn't get enough carbs in that meal, you never will!!!! Anyway, he really enjoyed every bite! And when the cake was served, I think he was in heaven!
Later, the kids went outside to sled on the hill on the north side of our house. The had a great time with very little snow left on the ground by the time they finished.
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