Tonight will be Brad's 11th treatment, with 22 left. We again feel fortunate for so many reasons- the weather has been great for the drives to Ft. Collins, he has felt really good ( although the fatigue set in on Saturday), and we have the amazing support of our family and friends! He and Curt continue to work, with a some big projects on the horizon, so we really pray that his (Brads) energy and (Curts) patience hold out. Our week began with a very long night following his Monday radiation treatment (with the machine breaking down), but the remainder of the treatments went smoothly. It seems to be the Monday thing....The kids brought dinner Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday which was unbelievably helpful as well as enjoyable, having someone else' cooking.
Great news this week for Meredith, with a call from McKee Hospital (Loveland) requesting an interview with her on Friday. She will have the opportunity to choose one of five positions if one is a good fit for her, and will go through a shadowing process to determine that. Luckily, she has plenty of time to make that decision, so we know she will ultimately be happy with whatever is in her future.
The weekend was filled with dancing! Friday night was the Father/Daughter dance at the rec center, and it was Sophie's first time, although Emma and Steven have gone several years in a row. Saturday night was the annual hospital Gala, and Carrie and Spencer had a great time, as did all the couples!
Carrie, Amie and I had planned on going to a scrapbooking crop on Saturday, but decided to have it at my house instead, saving time on getting everything loaded/unloaded, and money. Unfortunately, Amie was sick Saturday, but Carrie and I got a lot of scrapbooking done. Brad slept a good part of the day, probably out of boredom more than anything.

He and I went to Sam's early Sunday morning to pick up a pork loin for Sunday dinner. Thankfully, the recipe was written down! It is one of the family favorites and went together fine with a little assistance from moi! Heather came from Denver Saturday night and surprised Curt and Amie with a night out to dinner while she babysat. Such a thoughtful young woman! She came and had dinner with us Sunday. The kids played downstairs and, in the theme for the weekend, had a dance-a-thon. Grayson ended the day with an exceptionally large bowl of ice cream!
Kisses for Grandpa |
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