I met with a formal support group at MCR on Friday (started as an offspring of our coffee group). Think I prefer the intimacy of a small group. Sadly, one of our foursome had to have Hospice come in to take care of her husband. So enough of the winter doldrums.....
Yesterday, Amie and Curt and the kids went to Denver to celebrate Susan's birthday/Christmas by presenting and installing a new TV for her, just in time for the Super Bowl! Heather and Matt were there as well, with the baby coming momentarily!
Yep, looks like she should arrive shortly!

Saturday was crazy as always, beginning with Corbin's basketball game at 9:15. We had to wake Gramma up so she could go with us before her hair appointment. We took her walker with us and I
think she really enjoyed watching the game. 
Afterwards, we took Sophie to her soccer game. I asked her what her Dad was doing and she said, "Handling Grayson". Pretty accurate. Amie had taken him to the grocery store Friday when he stood up in the, cart and flipped out on his head. He's a handful! (BTW, he was ok after his fall)
This year, we watched the kids who did great having a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa. I was fixing them ice cream cones, leaving the ice cream out for a few minutes prior to soften when Brad said to me, "Leaving ice cream out makes it lose it's integrity". Huh? Anyway, we attempted to get Gabi to let Grandpa pull her super wobbly front tooth out, but no deal, so it literally hung by a thread the whole week.

Carrie attempted to pull it (see tearful pics), Spencer tried and nearly everyone had a finger on that tooth this week! Finally, yesterday afternoon, she accidentally "kneed herself in the face" and wah,la, knocked it out.
I talked to Meredith this weekend who reported that her 89 year old neighbor had taken she and Emma to see the Missoula Children's theatre production of "Blackbeard". One of the kindergarten "parrots" threw up on the stage. Her neighbor said she now thought she had seen everything on that stage! She also shared with me a story of coming home late one night last week, walking up the long sidewalk to her front door, and hearing a hissing noise behind her. She turned around to spot a very large possum waiting to attack (do they do that?). Of course, the front door was locked, and she banged on it frantically until the kids opened the door. The next day, Steven told her that he had seen that possum (yeah, it's a big one) and why didn't she think to smack it with the snow shovel that was on the front porch? Guess I wouldn't have thought of that myself!
Have a fabulous week.
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