Back to Saturday, August 8th. It was Brad's 64th birthday and boy, do we know how to celebrate, or what? It began with the second day of the garage sale and melting temperatures. Gabi and Corbin had a pop/water stand and sold lots of drinks (about $30 worth) and we lasted until about 2:30 until no one could take the heat. Meanwhile, Spencer was picking Sarah and Trent up at the airport and arrived back just in time to help pick up the remaining unsold stuff. We loaded up 2 truckloads of leftovers and took them to the ARC, and then crashed...literally couldn't get off the sofa for dinner.....

But,we rallied when we were asked to meet Carrie, Curt and families for bowling. It was great that we went, otherwise we would've been in bed at 7:30! Sunday morning arrived with on onslaught of tidying up to be done before Don and Vicki arrived to pick up Grandma & Grandpa Lee's old bedroom furniture.

Don showed up with Mom, instead, as Vicki was exhausted. We loaded up the furniture, visited for a bit, then they were off to return to Denver. We were invited to Carrie and Spencer's for dinner, planned and executed by the boys, Spencer and Curt. ( Gabi, Corbin and Trent were assigned the task of shucking the corn )
They (Spencer and Curt) made us a fabulous Cajun Boil meal with crab, shrimp, potatoes, corn, sausage, garlic and artichokes, served on parchment paper and followed by Meredith's peach cobbler.

Soooooooooooo delicious! In the interim, Sarah cut and colored the remaining heads of hair, including Heather, who arrived with Keva.

What a sweet and good baby, she is! I couldn't get enough pictures of her happy little face. But I did manage to get a few shots of some other happy faces.

One of the best moments came when the kids sang "Happy Birthday" to Brad and opened poppers filled with string to shower him with.
That last day of vacation certainly made up for the other not-so-fun days and I count my blessings that I have such an amazing family. I am thankful for each one of them and for all of the hours that they volunteered their help-couldn't have done it without my Peeps! Love you all!
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