Not much to report this week....(maybe that's a good thing, huh?)
Seemed to be the weekend of appliance mishaps. Does anyone know why appliances only last a maximum of 12 years? Our dishwasher went out over the weekend, after just spending $150 to get it to a point where we could sell it with the house. The control board went out and it would be $250 to replace it... Yeah, a trip to Lowe's seemed like a better plan. Brad and I went in and asked which white dishwasher was available to put in our car and take home. Yeah, that's the one we bought. Lowe's also delivered a new washer and dryer to Curt and Amie's house after the washer leaked (one too many times and was consequently pushed out the back door into the garage) and the dryer had collected enough lint to start the whole block on fire. Hey, glad Lowe's had a good weekend! I'm sure Amie was as happy to catch up on the laundry as I was on the dishes.
This Fall has been the prettiest we've ever had. I couldn't help myself but to wander around the neighborhood taking pictures of trees yesterday.

As I was admiring it all, I came upon my only rose bush, ready to bloom! Don't think that's going to happen as we were expecting frost last night and it's currently 33 degrees as I'm writing this.

My friend Ramona dropped by on Saturday, bringing me the biggest cabbage I've ever seen, so I got busy yesterday and made kraut burgers. Wow, I've got to give kudos to those who make them frequently- what a giant pain! Time consuming, but worth the trouble in the end. All of that and hours and hours of football games as well....Yeah, that's when I decided to hit the craft room. I had packed up all of my stuff (and that's a ton-o-stuff), thinking I would wait until we relocated to craft again. Well, clearly that's not happening real soon, so I hauled out just enough to make a gigantic mess. I've missed it! And speaking of not selling our home as quickly as we had thought, the owners of the one we had a contract on contingent upon the sale of ours, terminated the contract. I did feel disappointed, so now,

when and if the time comes, we will be faced with finding another suitable place. Got the Halloween decorations up and you can see who was pooped after all the decorating (just kidding!) This is really a result of too many ballgames!
This weekend we had our traditional Sunday Supper at the Frosts, with the deliciousness of Roma's . (By far the best caroli's in town). We followed that with a rousing (?) game of Mexican train while the kids played Perfection, a game that Meredith had in the 80's. Luckily, Gramma had a good tutor on either side of her, because after playing this domino game a zillion times, she still doesn't get it.
Brad has an MRI this week, with the results on Friday. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!