Today is Gabi's 8th birthday, and it's so great that her other Grandma is here again this year to celebrate that day, as she was when Gabi was born! Who knew that the tiny little Gabi who dropped below 6 pounds a few days after birth would be the spunky, creative, and super strong willed person she is today?

We started the celebration on Friday when she and Corbin came to spend the night at our house while Carrie was having her own celebration for the end of/beginning of her job. Emma came along and visited after babysitting for the Frost kids that day. She sure is good with them!
Carrie & "besties" going to celebrate |
Emma amuses her cousins |
We went to Target that evening so that she could pick out the birthday gift that she wanted. Her list consisted of about 50 different items, so I thought it would best to let her pick. She selected a horse and some accessories for her American girl doll.
On Saturday, we made Mickey Mouse pancakes and bacon before the kids were picked up. Gabi said "Gramma, you're a natural." (at making "eared pancakes"). Later we picked her up from her dance practice in Windsor and went to Carrie and Spencers' for a family birthday dinner (Gabi modeled her Halloween costume for us).

birthday "spanking" |
The evening ended with haircuts and colors for all, compliments of our California hair dresser! How awesome is it that we have such an amazing stylist, sister in-law, aunt, daughter comes to us every few months, bringing one or both kids to visit their cousins? Sarah, we LOVE your visits!! (as does our hair). Yesterday, we drove to Platteville to the Miller farm, riding the hay wagon around for a couple of hours, gathering vegetables. And although we were at the end of the season, we were still able to get plenty of veggies. (It was especially amusing to watch the boys get potatoes!)

On the way home, Sophie (who went to a slumber party Saturday night and clearly never slumbered) fell asleep moments from the farm. Farming is hard work!
Afterwards, Amie, Brad, Sarah and Rory went to the Bronco game. I'd say we squished all that we could into the weekend! (By the way, Brad's MRI was negative for cancer growth again. Yay!!!!)
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