First off, how can it be Monday already? I swear the weekends go by in warp speed. And then, how can we be wearing sunscreen and tank tops on Saturday (no, peeps, no tank tops for moi!), then be scraping ice off our car windows on Sunday? And, here is a really "How can it be?" moment when Carrie commented that yesterday the twins (Walker and Wyatt) would've been
NINE years old. That seemed impossible! Time flies....
Brad had his MRI on Monday, with a follow up appointment with his oncologist on Wednesday. The results showed increased brain damage (from radiation) to the white matter, settling mostly in the speech center of his brain, thus his struggle with word finding. They also recommended an MRA which looks at blood flow to the brain as there was evidence that he may be having mini strokes due to lack of oxygen from narrowing arteries. We are awaiting the scheduling of that one.
Friday evening, we were joined for dinner (a fine one, too, with bacon and eggs) by Sophie and Grayson while Curt and Amie had a quiet (and much needed) dinner together. Grayson immediately spotted the return of our backyard bunnies (3 of them) who have gotten pretty large over the winter months. He insisted on feeding them, so with carrots in hand, (and Sophie to assist) he was on a mission.

After dinner and cartwheels, Grandpa offered ice cream, always a staple at the Simmons house.

Saturday, another beautiful Spring day, brought the usual games, Corbin and Sophie playing soccer, (both scoring goals) and Gabi her last volleyball game. Needless to say, these events are not all at the same place, so there is much coordinating of schedules on Saturdays.

Sunday brought cold and snow, just after the workers finished with Gramma's house (remember when the patio cover roof blew off?) late on Saturday. Hopefully we can now get it sold!
Saturday also brought the putting away of the Christmas village (a new record of 6 months atop the cupboards) which is always a pain!
Sunday, cold and snowy was a good day for green chili. I've found that if I assemble all of the ingredients, Brad can put it together easily. His problems with memory come up in the kitchen, too. "Did I put onion
powder/etc. in that?"Anyway, we enjoyed the meal as well as the strawberry shortcake that Amie brought. And had fun playing cards after dinner.
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