It's been a busy weekend, beginning Friday morning with coffee with my support group, then a trip to Ft. Collins for my second eye appointment (cataract surgery scheduled for the 23rd), then a Starbucks date with my old friend Lynda Reynolds. We met at 2:30 and finally left at 6:00! You know when you can just start where you left off with a friend (even after 10 years of elapsed time with no communication), that the person is truly a friend! Got back home to watch Gabi and Corbin for awhile. Gabi was inspired by the wind (she might be the ONLY one) and made a kite (scrapbook paper, Popsicle sticks and ribbon).

And, speaking of the wind. I took a couple of pictures of the roof damage to Gramma's house. I showed them to her and this is what she had to say. "Well, look at that light in the backyard! It's still standing. I wonder if it still works. That light was sure a good one."

Funny what one notices in the midst of the debris...
One more picture from Friday night, via Ogallala, Emma and friends going to the Middle School dance!
That's Emma on the left, looking beautiful and so grown up! Crazy how time flies!
Saturday was a day of sporting events, beginning with Gabi's volleyball game, where she played well (until she got hit in the face with a served ball), then on to Sophie's soccer game. We were excited to be there when she scored a goal! After a short break, we were on to Corbin's soccer game. He has come a long way since playing soccer 2 years ago.

So glad my grand kids inherited all of my athletic abilities! LOL!!!!
Saturday night (late) brought Sarah and Emi for a hair extravaganza weekend (and not a minute too early!) where Emi serenaded the plane full of sleepy passengers with her rendition of "Let it Go" ( a popular song from the movie "Frozen") . Sunday morning found us first in line for hair appointments (she who complains the most gets to go first....) where Sarah once again worked her magic on Brad and I. We came home and made meatball and spaghetti sauce for meatball subs back at Carrie and Spencer's house. I made 75 meatballs and guess how many were left? Zip! I think that was a successful Sunday dinner. Heather and baby Keva were there as well, so it was a houseful. The kids danced up in the loft while the adults did the usual adult (?) stuff downstairs.

The kids were fascinated by the baby and wanted to touch her, pick her up, read to her, etc. Poor Heather!
Meanwhile, Sarah kept her scissors flying...with some customers happier than others!

After dinner, the kids went outside where the boys (Corbin and Grayson) played with 2x4's (the toy of choice for boys)......

We played Mexican train (where some of the players thought that tequila would help them play better...) , then had dessert! (pie with whipped cream)

Today we are all saying a little prayer for Brad's MRI which he has this morning.....results on Wednesday...
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