So the Stampede is here, in full force!

Every year we look forward to it's onset, and every year, we are glad when it's over. It all began a week ago with the first dinner (Woo, hoo...Papa John's Pizza) and Brad and I were the only attendees from the family. Friday night was a different experience, though. The Bunkhouse was packed with concert goers looking forward to seeing Jake Owens. A yummy steak

dinner was provided by the Boot Grill and we were joined by Kristi, Wendi and Jessie. Personally, I thought the dinner was the best part of the evening! Saturday was a crazy, busy day starting with Corbin's soccer tournament. He played 4 games and was pretty exhausted after the last one....defended with a couple of balls to his head!
During a break between games, Gabi and I went to part of the annual Garden Tour and she really enjoyed

it, especially the fairy garden at one of the homes.

Saturday night was a rock concert, so we gave our tickets away and everyone regrouped! Sunday morning, Brad played golf with Jeff and then when he got home (and after a long conversation with Gramma and I while he was gone) we headed to Ft. Collins to check on the status of Doug, whom Gramma had not heard from for several weeks. We went to a Starbucks so that they could visit (another

"first" (Starbucks) for Gramma!).And of course, in the way of every meeting they have, he had his hand in her purse!
Sunday night was the Billy Currington concert. Carrie and Amie and I took Gabi, Sophie and Corbin to their first concert!
It was too bad that it was a work day the next day, as we had to leave early, but the kids did enjoy it.
Monday was the "Pink" rodeo. Good to have Kelly join us for dinner while her son, Skyler spent time with Emma, Elijah and Rory at the Carnival.

With plenty of Dramamine on board, the rides were a success! Did I mention Carnival food?

Good thing it's only once a year! Grayson (as well as the other kids) really enjoyed the rodeo (his first) and sat (?????Wow!!!!) on Amie's lap for the entire performance. Tuesday night was the younger kids time for rides, and again, Grayon aka Mr. Fearless, thought he was a six year old, wanting to do everything the others did.

Scariest moment? Grayson riding the big ferris wheel with Corbin, Curt, Sophie and Gabi. We onlookers were holding our breaths!
Happy July 4th! More "Stampeded" stories to follow!
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