The week started off not so great with Corbin and Gabi's car (driven by babysitter Kelsey) rear ended on Monday (Thankfully, only the cars had injuries) while on their way to VBS. That gave all of us a few more gray hairs! Tuesday, Carrie got a call from VBS saying Gabi was complaining of a headache and abdominal pain, so after consulting her pediatrician, Gabi was checked out at the ER. It turned out to be a very expensive strep test! She rallied and made it to her dance recital that evening at the UCCC. We took Gramma, Sophie, and Amie and everyone (with the exception of Corbin) enjoyed it. What 5 year old boy WOULD like recitals?

Friday night we decided (Spencer's idea) to go to a drive-in movie in Ft. Collins. Crazy, but the adults, (with the exception of Brad and I and Spencer) had never been to a drive-in! We talked about our drive-in experiences as kids (no, not as teenagers!) with my family loading into the 1955 Ford station wagon, along with a grocery bag of popcorn and jammies and pillows, and heading out to the closest drive-in on Evans (Denver). I did kind of miss those bulky speakers hanging inside the window of your car as opposed to listening to the movie on our car radio. We saw the Dragon movie and not one kid made it through the whole movie.....Maybe it was the fact that the movie started at 9:30!

Of course, in the usual Simmons fashion, my car battery gave out twice and I hit a pole getting out of the parking lot. Ahhh, good times!
On Sunday, we celebrated Grayson's birthday again with a pool party. The pictures tell the story!
After swimming, a game of volleyball began (hopefully Brad and Carrie aren't too sore today after their falls) then we came back to the house for grilled burgers and hot dogs (family favorites). We broke up the party early as everyone was pooped! Happy Monday!
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