As you know, we Simmons try to fit as many things into one day/weekend as possible, this one being no exception. Little Grayson turned three on Saturday, and we celebrated in "Grayson fashion" by attending the Wheelie Wheelie show put on by the hospital, showcasing all of the biggest and best vehicles the city has to offer.

Naturally, he had to climb on every one of them!

Saturday was also the beginning of Corbin's first 3V3 soccer tournament held in Littleton. After the games, Spencer and Carrie picked Mom up (who lives close to where the tournament was held) and brought her back to Greeley for an overnight stay. Brad and I played bridge Saturday night after dinner, playing until 10:00 with the 2 Moms. They both seemed to enjoy it. And then, early Sunday morning, we loaded up (or should I say overloaded?) for a trip back to Littleton for round two of the soccer tournament. At the last minute (as we were pulling out of the driveway, Gramma decided she really wanted to go with us, despite the agenda we presented to her, so we crammed her, and her walker into our already stuffed vehicle (5 chairs, a tent, a cooler, a suitcase, 2 kids and 6 adults) and we were off. It was a beautiful day and both Grandma's enjoyed the sunshine, with Gramma actually going down a grassy hill with her walker! Doubt she has walked so much in decades!
Corbin's games were fun to watch.

After dropping Mom off at her place, we drove across Denver to Dave and Buster's Sports bar ( a favorite "Dad" place and had some snacks and let the kids (and adults) play some arcade games. Then it was back to Greeley to meet at Santeramos for dinner. We got there a few minutes early, so the kids played outside (they have a beautiful yard) after being in the car for so long.

We had a nice dinner and then went back to Amie and Curt's for birthday cake (thanks, Meredith!) and presents (both Father's Day and Grayson's birthday)

Trucks and trikes were the theme (and he wouldn't let anyone touch his trucks except Gramma) and of course, no one could wait to open his bike and put it together. He rode it like a champ!
We are so blessed!
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