We've had an amazing week of beautiful weather, reaching close to 70 for several days and inspiring those who don't realize that it's WINTER to wear shorts, tank tops, flip flops an even some to go shirtless! Mother Nature decided we were getting a little too used to the warmth, so yesterday the temperatures dropped and this morning there is a little (although not as much here as predicted) snow on the ground, with the temperature at 27...Denver got all of the snow this time.
Valentines Day was Saturday and was celebrated Friday by Amie and Curt with dinner out and a movie (Yeah, you guessed it...Shades of Grey....I can imagine Amie turning red) and simultaneously dinner out and a movie for Carrie and Spencer, but no shades for them- American Sniper. Carrie dropped Corbin off at our house before taking Gabi to her voice lesson in Loveland. He and I played a board game until it was time to go get Gabi. Meanwhile, Sophie was dropped off with us to get her to a slumber party @5:30. We drove to Loveland and grabbed Gabi, turned around and drove back to Greeley to drop Sophie off and then home.
Corbin and Gabi wanted to play "Chop" for dinner (a reality tv cooking show) so I was busy making lots of different (leftover) dishes for them to try. Funny kids!
I asked Brad Saturday morning what he would like to do for Valentines Day (besides eating breakfast out) and he decided that we should go to Central City, picking up Mom on the way. It was a beautiful day and the mountains were spectacular. I had to take a quick pic of the scenery (yes, while driving....kids, don't do what I did, okay?) as it was gorgeous.

We enjoyed being at the Ameristar (in Black Hawk). Mom was really blown away by the changes in that area, not having been there for a number of years. She hadn't seen any slot machines since the old orange, cherry, lemon ones for years, either, And since there were no $2 Black Jack tables (yup, those were the good old days), she played the slots with me. I had to get a picture of this machine, just to point out the advancement (?) of the games.....I had a good day playing, coming out ahead for the first time that I can remember, and Brad enjoyed the poker table. We met up for dinner and then began the long drive home. It's quite a trip from our house to Mom's to Central City and the reverse. I think she enjoyed getting out, anyway.
We had Sunday dinner here yesterday, minus the Taylor's, who were eating out to celebrate Emma's birthday (the 18th) as a family. We will celebrate next weekend. After dinner (we cooked a ham), the girls wanted to play "Shark Boots", so we played one round.

The kids, especially (Sophie and Gabi) get such a kick out of the game!
Gramma had gone to the Dr. on Friday to get a steroid shot in her knee. She didn't get the shot, but had some blood work done and was told to get a Life Line
in the event of another fall and rescheduled her shot for today. When I got home, I asked her how it went at her visit. "It went real well and I liked the Dr. real much. He had a picture of an ear in his office, so I asked him to check mine out. He said the right one was real waxy, so he told me to take some medication to clear it up (decongestant)
so I can hear." HMMMMM.....that should do it!

Rory and his friends went to the school Valentines Day dance. Not sure how it went, but glad to see that plaid shirts are the thing to wear!
Brad has been adjusting to his life without a vehicle, having walked twice to Wal Mart and once to King Soopers (a pretty long distance) to pick up whatever necessities he has in mind. He is only frustrated when he tries to get help finding an item that he cannot name....this weeks item was pasole!