Saturday brought soccer games and basketball with Corbin (looking more grown up than ever in his new glasses) and playing a great game of basketball, claiming the most rebounds. Guess a broken pinkie isn't going to stop him.

From there, we picked Gabi up at dance where she spends every Saturday with her BFF, Angelina. Carrie had taken her to get Valentine nails the day before, so of course we had to have a picture. Meanwhile, as we were busy preparing dinner for Spencer's birthday,Spencer was en route to the airport to get Sarah and Trent. We made Spencer's favorite, a pork loin with mashed potatoes. Meredith made him his dessert of choice, a crockpot fruit cobbler with banana ice cream. We transported the dinner to their house, after dropping Gabi off at the ice skating rink for a birthday party. The girls were working on a puzzle when we arrived, with Cupcake standing watch!
The thing about dining at the Frost house with a large crowd is that we run short on silverware. We all cracked up at the choice of utensils, from meat forks to plastic knives to measuring spoons!

While we were getting ready to eat, Sarah colored my (much needed) hair and as the evening progressed did Brad's, and Curt, Amie, Rory, Sophie and Grayson's as well. As always, we so appreciate Sarah and look forward to her (short) visits! The boys played Mario Brothers on the tv while the scissors were flying.
After singing "Happy Birthday" (with the standard followup of "are you one? are you two? are you three? and on to 39) we enjoyed our cobbler while the kids ate cupcakes that Emma baked and brought, Grayson diving right into his!

And as we were wrapping up the evening, I caught this special "love moment" with Emma and Brad. So sweet!
The thing about dining at the Frost house with a large crowd is that we run short on silverware. We all cracked up at the choice of utensils, from meat forks to plastic knives to measuring spoons!
After singing "Happy Birthday" (with the standard followup of "are you one? are you two? are you three? and on to 39) we enjoyed our cobbler while the kids ate cupcakes that Emma baked and brought, Grayson diving right into his!
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