Well the " storm of the century" certainly didn't materialize enough to keep me from going to work today, although it appears that we got quite a bit last night for a grand total of around 8" or so. The forecast for this week is more snow. I'm looking forward to hearing "we need the moisture" repeated throughout the day!
The snow did provide a nice setting for the weekend gathering at our house in honor of Emma's 15th birthday. It was quite a crazy craft fest!....Scrapbooking, painting, sewing, oh my!

These photos makes it appear that we were super organized and didn't make the biggest mess in the history of crafting! Gabi made a pillow for Sophie while Sophie was at her soccer game. Meredith brought some patterns for the kids to make owls (and may I compliment her on her patience with the sewing projects?) while Carrie and Gabi made a new dress for her American Girl doll, Emma completed some artwork for her room and Amie and I worked on scrapbooking. Sophie tried her hand at all of it!
Corbin got in on the last round, completing his owl.

After the cleanup, we started dinner with Emma's choices of salmon and crockpot mashed potatoes, and complimented by Spencer's fried chicken (the best!) and a broccoli salad that Sophie and Corbin assembled (not without a little freakage as they cut up veggies) and of course, a birthday cake for Emma.

It was sure a fun day!
Yesterday, not that fun.....I attempted to vacuum and was having issues with the vacuum, so Brad said he would work on it...yeah, all of the sudden sparks flew and the vacuum was history. He thought that he had previously "fixed" it, but couldn't quite remember how, and then couldn't find the breaker to turn the system back on. Anyway, I ordered one online and it will hopefully work with our central vac system. These electrical things are not exactly in my area of expertise. We took a break around lunch time and went to a movie to see "McFarland". (based on a true story) I thought it was
good, but Brad found it unbelievable that kids who had never participated in a sport could make it to the state tournament and win. "No way that happened", he said. For those of you who have enjoyed (?) the pleasure of his company this weekend, you understand!
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