Tuesday, February 28, 2012

this morning, I took Carrie to the hospital at 5:30, getting up at 4:15.  Her surgery began at 7:30 and was scheduled to last about four hours.  At the 4 1/2 mark, I got more than a little agitated and left my job to see what the hold-up was.  When I arrived at the hospital,  I was informed that  the surgery was completed and that "she did great".  By the time I saw her, she was getting over being nauseous and was on phenergan, thus sleepy.  The kids were obviously concerned with their Mom's condition.  Very traumatic for a 3 and 5 year old.  Poor babies!  Luckily, their Dad does a great job with them.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another mega windy day.....We went to Denver today to play bridge and were not proud of our playing.  We did have a great time with our friends, Bill and Beth.  We may go to Memphis next month to play in the Spring Nationals! 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25, 2012

It's Saturday and it's windy....surprise! FYI, we live in a very windy city.  So far this winter, we have had practically no snow, unlike our neighbors to the south, Denver.  I fondly refer to Greeley as the "Banana Belt" of Northern Colorado.
Tonight we are going out to dinner and a movie with Carrie and Spencer, our youngest daughter and her husband.  Although she is in her early 30's, she is having double knee replacement on Tuesday.  Nearly a year ago, her surgeon attempted to repair her knees, but the surgery was unsuccessful, so now it has come to this.  Bummer!  Their two VERY lively kids (Gabi and Corbin) will need a little extra grand parenting in the next six weeks.  Today they had swim lessons (their 6th lesson)
and it was incredible....Oh, the beauty of goggles!  Gabi was swimming across the pool and Corbin was walking with his head under water, both firsts!