Monday, May 21, 2012

Gotta love May

It's been a beautiful week, with some much needed rain on Friday and Saturday, then a wonderful day on Sunday.
Just to recap the weekend....The boys went and bought another storage unit (I think this is about the 10th) and were
entertained  and inspired by the contents. It contained thousands of collectible cards from the 90's, all organized and labeled in boxes, which they plan to sell on Ebay.  They (Curt and Spencer) are both pretty psyched about the prospects of making money online.

Friday, Amie and I took the kids to the park for lunch, but it was the end of the school year and nearly every park was packed with kids having their last field trips. We ended up going to their house and letting the kids play on their swing set.

Gabi was her usual adventurous self, hang upside down on the monkey bars, while Corbin (after a couple of tries) did the same. Sophie, not to be left out, really wanted to do the same.  She asked Gabi to show her how and Gabi replied, "Watch and learn, my friend, watch and learn".  Sophie and I cracked up!

On Saturday, Carrie and I went to a crop at a local church. We had a great time! Had some fun people to sit with and got in lots of much needed laughs! (and a little scrap booking as well)

Sunday morning at 6:30, Brad and I picked up Curt and the kids and drove to Denver to watch Amie complete her first
half marathon, beginning and ending at the Zoo.  What an accomplishment!  She finished under 2 hours, which was her goal.
We got home and started readying for our Sunday dinner.  Brad's cousin,
Sherrie and her husband Dan joined us.  They recently lost their home in
Denver to a fire and are rebuilding.  They loved the design of our house (which they had only seen once at Great Grandma's 90th birthday party),
and are hoping to build one like it, and thought it would be a good idea to
look things over again.  Brad was in the kitchen most of the day making
some marinate fajita-like chicken, a huge bowl of guacamole, one of fruit salad, and a third with a black bean/corn/cilantro/tomatoes concoction that was SO scrumptious.  It was well worth the time he spent!  Meredith contributed her usual luscious dessert with a butterfinger cake.  Yummy!!!
The kids played on the pirate ship all afternoon, and then all took showers and or baths before departing.  I hope to find one dry towel this morning when
I start getting ready for work!
I can't believe this is the last week of school!  This year has flown!!!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers Day

I love Mothers Day! Not because it's all about me, but because it reminds me of why I am here. Sometimes I am amazed by the family I have helped create and I love watching their growth. Yesterday, we went to a brunch at Randy's where we had a table for 20! The food was delicious and it was fun seeing the kids eat (a lot for $5.00 each). Rory and Elijah helped themselves to several pounds of crab and then the chocolate fountain.  We were stuffed and sticky when all was said and done! Amie's Mom (Susan) and sister & husband joined us as well.

Table for 20!

the boys

Corbin and his Mama

Grayson playing with crab crackers!

Mer & Emma

Curt, Amie , family

Sophie,  Gabi performing Mothers Day play
Mer, Elijah

I am blessed! And, we all got together for Sunday dinner and had some of Brad's amazing potato soup!

Monday, May 7, 2012

No dinner!

Occasionally, we are gone on Sundays. Maybe as often as once a month!  Yesterday, we were playing in a tournament in Boulder with some of our bridge friends from Ft. Collins.  We did reasonably well and even got a few points! 

It definitely was mostly a Brad/Sue weekend, with our "Flamingos" event (that's the name of our destination unknown group) on Saturday.  We were on the planning committee, and I have to report that as lame as I thought it would be, we did enjoy the day.  The girls went to paint at "Picasso and Wine" in Windsor, while the men went to try their hand at archery in Loveland.  Later we met up and had a catered french dinner at the Sodbuster Inn in Greeley.  Loved how they paired wines with each course!

The week was filled with kid events as well. On Wednesday, I was lucky enough to be able to leave work (twice) to attend Elijah's Chautauqua performance as Albert Einstein at Centennial Village, then see his team win 3rd place in the annual Battle of the Books.   Friday was a scorching hot day (especially for the first week of May), so Spencer hauled out the pirate ship (blow up water toy that we've had for 8-10 years) and erected it in his front yard. The four little kids enjoyed a picnic and water fun.